Lafco Chamomile Lavender Candle

Lafco Chamomile Lavender Candle


The understated luxury of freshly-laundered, turned-down bedlinens. Nearby, a delicate arrangement of lavender sprigs rests on the adjoining bedside table as the sun begins to set. Tranquility at its chicest.
Crisp bergamot and warm chamomile melt into a calm undertone of lavender, sage, eucalyptus and smoky patchouli. Lafco candles are hand poured into a beautifully designed handblown glass vessel crafted in Italy to enhance the burning experience. The vessel can be reused as a part of your home decor. Soy Wax. Essential Oil Based Fragrances. 100% Cotton Wick. Touch of Paraffin Wax (just enough to enhance the fragrance delivery). Up to a 90 hour burn time.

TOP NOTES (the first impression of the fragrance): Bergamot, Chamomile MIDDLE (the heart of the fragrance): Lavender, Eucalyptus BOTTOM: (the final and lasting impression): Rosemary, Patchouli Indonesia MD, Honey Flower

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